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Stránka je určena odborníkům ve smyslu zákona č. 40/1995 Sb., o regulaci reklamy. Čtěte prohlášení.


Aortic and Mitral Valve Surgery with Annular Reconstruction for Native Valve Endocarditis

Štěrba J.1, Ondrášek J.1, Fila P.1, Žáček P.2

1 The Cardiovascular and Transplant Surgery Centre, Brno
2 Department of Cardiac Surgery, Charles University Hospital, Hradec Kralove

The 65 years old patient suffered under bacterial endocarditis aortic and mitral valve with perforation to left atrium was operated. The diagnoses was treated with aortic homograft, mitral and tricuspid vale reconstruction and reconstruction of left atrium wall.

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